Results for 'Maya McGinn Porter'

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  1.  8
    An Emerging World-view in the West and its Significance for Business.Maya McGinn Porter - 1999 - Journal of Human Values 5 (1):25-31.
    In response to the ravages perpetrated on planet earth by the single-minded pursuit of short-term business bottomline, the author outlines the keynotes of shifting consciousness about economics in the West. She points out the new upsurge of active interest in finer values, including spirituality in business circles. With out a spiritual compass to guide, industrialization has been fostering disvalues. The impact of Eastern reli gions, and their emphasis on the inner self, on American thinking has of late become very strong. (...)
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    An Emerging World-view in the West and its Significance for Business.Maya McGinn Porter - 1999 - Journal of Human Values 5 (1):25-31.
    In response to the ravages perpetrated on planet earth by the single-minded pursuit of short-term business bottomline, the author outlines the keynotes of shifting consciousness about economics in the West. She points out the new upsurge of active interest in finer values, including spirituality in business circles. With out a spiritual compass to guide, industrialization has been fostering disvalues. The impact of Eastern reli gions, and their emphasis on the inner self, on American thinking has of late become very strong. (...)
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  3. Consciousness and the Existence of God: A Theistic Argument.James Porter Moreland - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    In _Consciousness and the Existence of God_, J.P. Moreland argues that the existence of finite, irreducible consciousness provides evidence for the existence of God. Moreover, he analyzes and criticizes the top representative of rival approaches to explaining the origin of consciousness, including John Searle’s contingent correlation, Timothy O’Connor’s emergent necessitation, Colin McGinn’s mysterian ‘‘naturalism,’’ David Skrbina’s panpsychism and Philip Clayton’s pluralistic emergentist monism. Moreland concludes that these approaches should be rejected in favor of what he calls ‘‘the Argument from (...)
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    A puzzle about knowledge ascriptions.Brian Porter, Kelli Barr, Abdellatif Bencherifa, Wesley Buckwalter, Yasuo Deguchi, Emanuele Fabiano, Takaaki Hashimoto, Julia Halamova, Joshua Homan, Kaori Karasawa, Martin Kanovsky, Hackjin Kim, Jordan Kiper, Minha Lee, Xiaofei Liu, Veli Mitova, Rukmini Bhaya, Ljiljana Pantovic, Pablo Quintanilla, Josien Reijer, Pedro Romero, Purmina Singh, Salma Tber, Daniel Wilkenfeld, Stephen Stich, Clark Barrett & Edouard Machery - forthcoming - Noûs.
    Philosophers have argued that stakes affect knowledge: a given amount of evidence may suffice for knowledge if the stakes are low, but not if the stakes are high. By contrast, empirical work on the influence of stakes on ordinary knowledge ascriptions has been divided along methodological lines: “evidence‐fixed” prompts rarely find stakes effects, while “evidence‐seeking” prompts consistently find them. We present a cross‐cultural study using both evidence‐fixed and evidence‐seeking prompts with a diverse sample of 17 populations in 11 countries, speaking (...)
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  5. Bioethics and Transhumanism.Porter Allen - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (3):237-260.
    Transhumanism is a “technoprogressive” socio-political and intellectual movement that advocates for the use of technology in order to transform the human organism radically, with the ultimate goal of becoming “posthuman.” To this end, transhumanists focus on and encourage the use of new and emerging technologies, such as genetic engineering and brain-machine interfaces. In support of their vision for humanity, and as a way of reassuring those “bioconservatives” who may balk at the radical nature of that vision, transhumanists claim common ground (...)
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  6. In Defence of the Priority View.Thomas Porter - 2012 - Utilitas 24 (3):349-364.
    In their paper ‘Why It Matters That Some Are Worse Off Than Others: An Argument against the Priority View’, Michael Otsuka and Alex Voorhoeve argue that prioritarianism is mistaken. I argue that their case against prioritarianism has much weaker foundations than it might at first seem. Their key argument is based on the claim that prioritarianism ignores the fact of the ‘separateness of persons’. However, prioritarianism, far from ignoring that fact, is a plausible response to it. It may be that (...)
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  7.  28
    Bioethics in the Ruins.Allen Porter - 2020 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (3):259-276.
    In The Foundations of Bioethics, former senior editor of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. radically reassessed the nature and scope of bioethics, as well as the possibilities for this still-young field that he helped found, in light of the prevailing sociohistorical context, which he argued had been inadequately considered by bioethicists. This issue of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy provides a snapshot of how bioethics is developing in the wake of Engelhardt’s critique. Topics covered (...)
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  8.  60
    Honor, Success, & Futile Resistance: Here be Dragons.Elliot Porter - 2025 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 53 (1):66-96.
    Philosophy &Public Affairs, Volume 53, Issue 1, Page 66-96, Winter 2025.
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    (1 other version)Is Art Modern?James porter - 2009 - BJA 49 (1):1-24.
    Kristeller's article ‘The Modern System of the Arts: A Study in the History of Aesthetics’ is a classic statement of the view, now widely adopted but rarely examined, that aesthetics became possible only in the eighteenth-century with the emergence of the fine arts. I wish to contest this view, for three reasons. Firstly, Kristeller's historical account can be questioned; alternative and equally plausible accounts are available. Secondly, ‘the modern system of the arts’ appears to have been neither a system nor (...)
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  10.  39
    Arguments Over Life Extension in Contemporary Bioethics.Allen Porter - 2023 - In Erick Valdés & Juan Alberto Lecaros (eds.), Handbook of Bioethical Decisions. Volume I: Decisions at the Bench. Springer Verlag. pp. 247-276.
    In this chapter, I provide a critical exposition of the contemporary bioethics of life extension (LE). First, I provide critical socio-historical contextualization for contemporary bioethics in general by locating it within postmodernity, which discloses crucial implications for what normative claims can possibly be justified within contemporary bioethics and clarifies the typical form that transgression of these limits takes in contemporary bioethics. In the next section, I analyze the structure of the debate over LE into arguments for the necessary desirability (or (...)
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  11.  96
    Bipolar Disorder and Self-Determination: Predicating Self-Determination at Scope.Elliot Porter - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (3):133-145.
    Abstract:Bipolar or related disorders (BoRD) present unique practical and existential problems for people who live with them. All agents experience changes in the things they care about over time. However people living with BoRD face drastic shifts in what seems valuable to them, which upset their longitudinal values (if, indeed, any stable longitudinal values are available in the first place). Navigating these evaluative high seas presents agents living with BoRD with a distinctive existential question, not shared by those on calmer (...)
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  12. Adoption is Not Abortion‐Lite.Lindsey Porter - 2012 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (1):63-78.
    abstract It is standardly taken for granted in the literature on the morality of abortion that adoption is almost always an available and morally preferable alternative to abortion — one that does the same thing so far as parenthood is concerned. This assumption pushes proponents of a woman's right to choose into giving arguments that are based almost exclusively around the physicality of pregnancy and childbirth. On the other side of the debate, the assumption that adoption is a real alternative (...)
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  13.  73
    Cardiovascular and nervous system changes during meditation.Steven R. Steinhubl, Nathan E. Wineinger, Sheila Patel, Debra L. Boeldt, Geoffrey Mackellar, Valencia Porter, Jacob T. Redmond, Evan D. Muse, Laura Nicholson, Deepak Chopra & Eric J. Topol - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  14.  44
    Gendered Narratives: Stories and Silences in Transitional Justice.Elisabeth Porter - 2016 - Human Rights Review 17 (1):35-50.
    Stories told about violence, trauma, and loss inform knowledge of post-conflict societies. Stories have a context which is part of the story-teller’s life narrative. Reasons for silences are varied. This article affirms the importance of telling and listening to stories and notes the significance of silences within transitional justice’s narratives. It does this in three ways. First, it outlines a critical narrative theory of transitional justice which confirms the importance of narrative agency in telling or withholding stories. Relatedly, it affirms (...)
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  15.  14
    How Ideal Is the Ancient Self?James I. Porter - 2022 - In Jure Simoniti & Gregor Kroupa (eds.), Ideas and Idealism in Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-26.
  16. A Quantitative History of Ordinary Language Philosophy.J. D. Porter & Nat Hansen - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1–36.
    There is a standard story told about the rise and fall of ordinary language philosophy: it was a widespread, if not dominant, approach to philosophy in Great Britain in the aftermath of World War II up until the early 1960s, but with the development of systematic approaches to the study of language—formal semantic theories on one hand and Gricean pragmatics on the other—ordinary language philosophy more or less disappeared. In this paper we present quantitative evidence to evaluate the standard story (...)
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  17. “Good Mothering” or “Good Citizenship”?Maree Porter, Ian H. Kerridge & Christopher F. C. Jordens - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (1):41-47.
    Umbilical cord blood banking is one of many biomedical innovations that confront pregnant women with new choices about what they should do to secure their own and their child’s best interests. Many mothers can now choose to donate their baby’s umbilical cord blood (UCB) to a public cord blood bank or pay to store it in a private cord blood bank. Donation to a public bank is widely regarded as an altruistic act of civic responsibility. Paying to store UCB may (...)
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  18.  29
    How Unaffiliated/Nonscientist Members of Institutional Review Boards See Their Roles.Joan P. Porter - 1987 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 9 (6):1.
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    Abortion, infanticide and moral context.Lindsey Porter - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (5):350-352.
    In ‘After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?’, Giubilini and Minerva argue that infanticide should be permitted for the same reasons as abortion. In particular, they argue that infanticide should be permitted even for reasons that do not primarily serve the interests (or would-be best interests) of the newborn. They claim that abortion is permissible for reasons that do not primarily serve the interests (or would-be interests) of the fetus because fetuses lack a right to life. They argue that newborns (...)
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  20.  72
    Habermas in Pleasantville: Cinema as Political Critique.Robert Porter - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (4):405-418.
    Does cinema express or engender political thought? Can we think of cinema, or certain specific cinematic texts, as bodies of political theory? In this paper I provide a positive response to such questions by arguing for a notion of, what I want to call, cinema as political critique. In order to make sense of this idea and render it more concrete, I will draw on fragments of the political theory of Jürgen Habermas and will discuss and give an analysis of (...)
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  21.  16
    Backward conditioning of the eyelid response.J. M. Porter - 1938 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 23 (4):403.
  22.  10
    The Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects.Joan P. Porter - 1991 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 13 (5):8.
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  23.  19
    How Science Became Technical.Theodore M. Porter - 2009 - Isis 100 (2):292-309.
    Not until the twentieth century did science come to be regarded as fundamentally technical in nature. A technical field, after all, meant not just a difficult one, but one relying on concepts and vocabulary that matter only to specialists. The alternative, to identify science with an ideal of public reason, attained its peak of influence in the late nineteenth century. While the scale and applicability of science advanced enormously after 1900, scientists have more and more preferred the detached objectivity of (...)
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  24.  62
    The Natural Law and the Normative Significance of Nature.Jean Porter - 2013 - Studies in Christian Ethics 26 (2):166-173.
    We regard cooperation as generally good, and yet this does not imply that it is morally good. The scholastic conception of nature offers the kind of distinction between levels of normative appraisal that we need, and suggests a fruitful way of thinking about the moral significance of our naturally sociable nature.
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    Apoptosis initiated by dependence receptors: a new paradigm for cell death?Alan G. Porter & Saravanakumar Dhakshinamoorthy - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (6):656-664.
    A distinct group of receptors including DCC, UNC5, RET and Ptc1 is known to function in ligand‐dependent neuronal growth and differentiation or axon guidance. Acting as “dependence receptors”, they may also regulate neuronal cell survival by inducing apoptosis in the absence of cognate ligand. Receptor‐initiated apoptosis requires proteolytic (caspase) cleavage and exposure of a pro‐apoptotic region in the cytoplasmic domains of the receptors. In contrast, classical apoptosis induced by growth factor or cytokine deprivation involves loss of survival signaling without receptor (...)
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  26.  12
    (1 other version)An interpretation of Croce's sthetic.Norman Porter - 1929 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):19 – 36.
  27.  23
    An investigation of the alleged function of emphasis in a simple discrimination problem.E. H. Porter - 1941 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 28 (1):77.
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    Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society Washington, D.C., 27-30 December 1992.Theodore Porter, Karl Huibauer, Michael Sokal, Joan Richards & Marshall Clagett - 1993 - Isis 84:339-346.
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    A Note on the Text of Horace, C. 4. 8.David H. Porter - 1986 - American Journal of Philology 107 (3).
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    Adaptation of the galvanic skin response.J. M. Porter - 1938 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 23 (5):553.
  31.  46
    A Prayer.Porter - 2012 - The Chesterton Review 38 (3/4):611-611.
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    A “Precious Minority”: Constructing the “Gifted” and “Academically Talented” Student in the Era of Brown v. Board of Education and the National Defense Education Act.Jim Wynter Porter - 2017 - Isis 108 (3):581-605.
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    After Philology.James I. Porter - 2000 - New Nietzsche Studies 4 (1-2):33-76.
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    Author’s response.Theodore M. Porter - 1997 - Metascience 6 (1):87-89.
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    A Response to Brian Linnane and David Coffey.Jean Porter - 1997 - Philosophy and Theology 10 (1):285-292.
  36.  30
    2004: A scenario of peer review in the future.Alan L. Porter - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):233-234.
  37.  14
    Antibody structure and the antibody workshop 1958-1965.R. R. Porter - 1986 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 29 (3 Pt 2):S161.
  38.  13
    Aristophanes, Wealth 168: Adultery for Fun and Profit.John Porter - 2017 - Hermes 145 (4):386-408.
    An examination of Wealth 160-69 sheds further light on the portrayal of adulterers (moichoi) in ancient Greek comedy and oratory. The moichos is routinely presented as undermining the financial fortunes of a household as well as its domestic harmony. On the Greek comic stage, and in the Athenian courtroom, the moichos is less a Don Juan figure than a treacherous intruder, intent on exploiting his seductive charms to the detriment of another male citizen’s household. Such an understanding of the Greek (...)
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    A Yankee Botanist in the Carolinas: The Reverend Moses Ashley Curtis, D.D. . Edmund Berkeley, Dorothy Smith Berkeley.Charlotte Porter - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):321-321.
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    "Games of Perfect Information": Computers and the Metanarratives of Emancipation and Progress.Kevin J. Porter - 1996 - Substance 25 (1):24.
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    (1 other version)Gerald Odonis' Commentary on the Ethics: A Discussion of the Manuscripts and General Survey.Camarin Porter - 2009 - Vivarium 47 (2-3):241-294.
    Gerald Odonis produced a lengthy commentary on the Ethics, recognized by both his contemporaries and modern scholars as a substantial analysis of Aristotelian thought on the virtues, the will, moral choice, justice, and the nature of ethical inquiry. As recent research on late-medieval ethics has expanded deeper into these discussions, interest in Odonis' contributions has grown, but it has been limited textually to the two early printed editions of the work. The present survey of the commentary's manuscript tradition investigates the (...)
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  42.  25
    Gentlemen of Science: Early Correspondence of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Jack Morrell, Arnold Thackray.Roy Porter - 1987 - Isis 78 (4):641-642.
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    Health Care for an Aging Population.J. Porter - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (6):386-386.
  44.  18
    Histoire du calcul économique en FranceFrançois Etner.Theodore Porter - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):589-590.
  45.  18
    Helen F. North (1921–2012).David Porter - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (4):549-550.
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    Human Nature, Cultural Diversity, and the French Enlightenment. Henry Vyverberg.Roy Porter - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):378-378.
  47.  39
    Harm Reduction and Moral Desert in the Context of Drug Policy.Lindsey Brooke Porter - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (4):362-371.
    The target of my discussion is intuitions lay people have about justice in the context of drug policy—intuitions that take on a more or less moral-desert-based shape. I argue that even if we think desert is the right measure of how we ought to treat people, we ought still be in favour of Harm Reduction measures for people who use drugs. Harm Reduction measures are controversial with members of the public, and much of the opposition seems to come from something (...)
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    Introduction.Steven L. Porter - 2020 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 13 (1):3-4.
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    Imperial and Administrative Records, Part I: Palace and Temple Administration.Barbara Nevling Porter, F. M. Fales & J. N. Postgate - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (1):166.
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  50.  28
    Improving Care for Suicidal Patients While Protecting Human Subjects: Addressing Ethical Challenges in Mental Health Research Involving Emergency Medical Services Providers.Kathryn M. Porter, Seema K. Shah & Christopher R. DeCou - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (10):99-101.
    Volume 19, Issue 10, October 2019, Page 99-101.
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